LG Smart TV after his release a few days ago, now turn to the issue Samsung Smart TV. To show off the product showcase and demo of this new TV, Samsung held a Samsung Smart TV Exhibition which starts from 14-17 April 2011 at the Mall Kelapa Gading 3. On this mat Samsung joined to bring another TV, but the most prominent is the which is Samsung's latest product output.
At the preview this time we will show you the demo using . The first display there is a Smart Home Samsung TV. On the home screen you can access all the menu contained on this smart TV like Samsung Apps, digital TV, Social TV, YouTube, Music Player, Photo Gallery, Browser, and Settings All Share. For information only, Samsung Smart TV requires internet connection to access all the menu contained therein. to connect to the internet already have a Wi-Fi on the which you do not need to bother using a LAN cable or Donggle to connect this TV to the Internet.
To search for your favorite movie, you can enter keywords of your favorite movies on . For text input you can use the TV remote that comes with the default trackpad for easy menu navigation. When the demo took place, there is no mouse pointer display, it will be difficult when browsing the menu even when there is a remote trackpad on TV. Keywords can be input by using the alphanumeric keypad display, no display TV demo QWERTY currently underway. After entering a keyword, in this case we enter the keyword "Toy Story" then the TV will automatically search for our favorite movies complete with screen shots and movies sinposis. In addition you can also see the latest movies, top tv programs, as well as search for movies based on the type of film. For information, Samsung mendelop searching engine itself is implemented on the to be able to search for profiles on video streaming-video sites like Youtube etc.. For Digital TV broadcasting network in Indonesia does not yet support but Samsung Digital TV is looking for a partner so you can enjoy digital TV broadcasts using .
For browsing you can directly enter the web url that you want to open. In this case we open a website www.msn.com. When we entered and pressing enter, direct TV screen showing the website in seconds.
For a better navigation menu, you can use Android device (phone / tablet) or any of your Apple devices like the iPhone is using IOS / iPad / iPod Touch. Method, you must install the application "Remote TV" on your device to connect it with the Smart TV. TV Remote you can install via the Android Market or Apple Store.
is able to run flash file, so you do not need to install flash advance because TV is equipped with a built-in flash in it. With the support of flash you can watch YouTube videos using with ease.
To download an application on Smart TV, you can go to Samsung Apps. Currently there are a total of 40 applications which you can download the Samsung Apps and many applications are being developed to develop the Samsung Smart TV.
To make video calls you can use Skype with the support of the TV camera (sold separately). Smart TV supports 720p resolution video calling at 30 frames per second.
HDMI Port for konekvitas there as much as 4 pieces, AllShare with DLNA support, USB 2.0 port, and Wi-Fi.
Tired of watching TV, you can play games on the Smart TV. In this case we played a Sudoku game on the TV. Games can be downloaded via Samsung Apps.
If you have a phone that supports the All Share, you can make the Smart TV as a medium for viewing photos, videos, etc. from your mobile phone using the All Share with DLNA support.
Currently, if you do not have Facebook or Twitter account is considered less slang. Therefore Samsung is complete with Facebook and Twitter applications on smart TV product is called Social TV. When you watch, you still can monitor the status update from Facebook and Twitter your application.
This TV is equipped with 3D technology are able to change the LED 2D broadcasts into 3D broadcasts. Already, there are converters 2D to 3D on TV, in addition to the Samsung Smart TV is equipped with a 3D sound system that makes your ears hear the sound better. TV supports Full HD 1080p video to the comfort of your eyes enjoy your HD movies. To watch the HD movies you can use to plug your USB or external hard drive.
Variant Samsung Smart TV and Price
Type D8000 issued in two variants, for size 55 and priced at USD 5107.03 to 60 inch size priced at USD 7606.21
Type D7000 issued in two variants, for sizes 46 inches priced at USD 3042.49 for a 55-inch sizes are not fixed prices.
Type D6600 issued in three variants, for size 40-inch priced at USD1847.22, to 46-inch size priced at USD2390.52, for sizes 55 inches priced sehagra USD4129.09
Type D6000 issued in two variants, namely 46 inches priced at USD2173.2, for the size of 40 inches priced at USD1684.23
The four types that we mentioned above is Smart LED TV 3D technology. Samsung also released Smart 3D Plasma TV technology type PS64D8000 with size 64 inches but do not say how much it costs.
Smart TV prices are expensive and are meant only for the middle class and above. In addition, some features of Smart TV can not be used in Indonesia such as Digital TV is making TV this feels redundant.
-All In One TV
3D LED-technology are stunning when used to watch the movie Full HD 1080p
Technology-2D to 3D image converter
-Can be connected with other devices using the All Share
-Can be used to watch live streaming (streaming TV)
-Price is expensive
Its features-can not run its full potential in Indonesia
-Requires a lot of support tools to maximize performance (Wi-Fi, Internet, 3D glasses, home theater, Blu Ray, etc.)