For laptops, Acer launches Acer Aspire S7, ultrabook with gorgeous aluminum design, the cover glass and display full HD. Aspire S7 is available in size 13.1-inch screen and 11.6-inches. The latest Acer laptop has a battery that can last up to 12 hours for a 13.1-inch and 9 hours for a 11.6-inch. Both are equipped with a cooling system Twin Air from Acer laptop that can keep the temperature remains comfortable to use. Besides the keyboard also has an automatic light adjustment feature that can adjust the light in the room. This feature makes us feel comfortable typing in low light conditions.
In tablets, Acer launches Iconia W510, which has a 10.1-inch display screen and 3 finger touch mode. Acer Iconia W510 is able to work up to 18 hours non-stop. In addition, there are also Iconia W700 with 11.1-inch screen capable of displaying full HD video images and charming. Acer Iconia W700 is equipped with a cradle (cradle) that can be adjusted to get a comfortable viewing angle.
PC All-in-one Acer Aspire Acer's latest is called 7600U and 5600U, respectively have 27-inch display screen and 23-inches. Both have a thickness of only 35mm and touch screen technology with 64-point capacitive multitouch. Both the Aspire 5600U and 7600U can be rotated to adjust our perspective. Aspire 7600U can be rotated 90 degrees, to the flat position, while the 5600U can be played between 30 and 85 degrees.